Monday, August 24, 2009

Get Over It!

Why do things involving family have to be so complicated sometimes? Anyone who thinks the way they conduct their family life is "normal" is delusional. Many times,the only example we have for being parents is that which we saw modeled for us as children-our own parents. Now, if one was adopted, or lost one or both of their parents at an early age, then whomever filled that spot -other relatives or friends-assumed that role.
Many a time I felt unsure of my parenting skills as a young parent, and usually fell back on the example my parents set for me growing up. Was their example always perfect? Absolutely not.
If I could, would I like to go back and change some unfortunate choices on the part of myself or my parents? You bet I would!
I have seen the heartache of poor parental examples all my life, but the exemplary ones far out-weigh those I shouldn't follow.
One thing I do know-my parents gave our family the very best of themselves; a wonderful homelife; great friends; great church; regular attendance at yearly family reunions; terrific education; and memories that I regularly pass on to my daughter. I hope one day, if God wills, that she will do the same for her husband and children.
Meanwhile, my husband and I have set a goal to let our daughter be herself, respectfully express her opinions, and live in such a way as to please her Creator, and as a result, please her family an friends.
Life will continue to be complicated, but a little unraveling of a "close-knit" relationship is always good for the soul.

Hebrews 12:14-"Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord."
Isaiah 26:3a-"You will keep in perfect peace Him whose mind is steadfast, because He trusts in you."
It's important to choose your battles, and to know which ones to let go. I think when we get to heaven, we'll be surprised by the small number of battles that really mattered to God.
Let me know what you think of this blog. I cherish your comments. Thank you~

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