Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back to School (Again!)

August is the time of year when, for better or worse, the phrase "back to school" reappears before our eyes on a regular basis. Depending on your perspective, whether you be a teacher, student, or parent, your feelings about this phrase can run a gammit of emotions. But back to what?
Parents-Back to a quieter household, perhaps? Back to making lunches ; chauffering kids once again to athletic events; helping with science fair projects; or studying with your upper-classman high schooler for college entrance exams. Does it ever end? Not really. It may change, but it never ends.
Students-Back to see old friends and to make new ones; back to new schedules and new teachers; and hopefully, new opportunities requiring faith and courage; and new adventures beyond the horizon.
Teachers-Now, granted, it's been a while since I was a student (however, still keeping my head in the books to keep my teaching certificate up-to-date, and for self-improvement), and my daughter is in college now, so my duties as a parent often are performed long distance; I do have mixed emotions, though, when it comes to seeing the summer come to a close, while at the same time, looking forward to a new class of second graders and a new school year.
Back to School-Out with the old; in with the new! I love this phrase also as a teacher, because, being a free spirit, creative type, I am eager to try new ideas that I have read about over the summer or have swapped with fellow teachers over the past several months. I never know the students I will be blessed with, (and I say that very sincerely,) so I can in some ways be just as apprehensive as the students who are unaware of their new teacher. More times than not, it truly is a win/win situation.
So as I think of the many things I have left to complete to prepare for this school year's beginning, my heart is also sympathetic for my new students and their families (wherever they are!) No doubt I may even pass them while shopping for school myself at local department stores, and not be aware that I have seen them. I am actually excited for this new year and the lessons I will teach and those lesson I will learn, too. I have often hear that the best teachers are perpetual students themselves.
Here's to new beginnings! Moving forward as we go "back to school!"

1 comment:

  1. Shell...very good indeed! I am NOT ready yet to let go of my DD whose a Sr just yet...I am on of THOSE parents who actually enjoys them being home for the summer!

    LOVE your pix..see that you figured it out and now you are a beauty to behold!

